Our team

As one of the largest independent civil-law notary offices in The Hague with a long-standing history, Van Buttingha Wichers is a well-known name. Our team assists our clients in three areas of law: family law, immovable property law, and business law.

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Family Law Real Estate Estate Planning Expats

Caroline de Nerée tot Babberich

Notary & Partner

Corporate Law

Eelko Smit

Notary & Partner

Real Estate Expats

Lonneke Feddes - van der Plas

Notary & Partner

Candidate civil-law notary

Family Law Estate Planning

Bastiaan Kollenveld

Notary Candidate

Corporate Law

Farah Ouahoud

Notary Candidate

Real Estate

Maurits Welbergen

Notary Candidate

Family Law Expats

Mireille van Velde

Notary Candidate

Family Law Expats

Shaila Tang Ali

Notary Candidate

Real Estate

Usha Kalidien

Notary Candidate

Corporate Law

Wouter Admiraal

Notary Candidate


Brenda Teunissen

Registered Notary Clerk

Caroline Speelman

Notarial Employee

Catherine Nederlof - Bus


Christel Klaasman

Notarial Employee

Ellis Buster

Office Manager

Gülüs Günal - Aras


Irene de Weger

Notary Clerk

Jolanda Slingerland


Joyce Buijtendorp

Notarial Employee

Lilian Ligthelm

Notarial Employee

Manal Akaaboun

Notarial Employee

Marieke Vos

Notary Clerk

Martijn Tigelaar

Legalization Desk Employee

Nathalie van Hoogdalem


Paula Verhoef

Notarial Employee

Priscilla van der Schee

Notarial Employee

Rehsma Doekhi

Notarial Employee

Rianne van der Hoeven

Notarial Employee

Simone de Lange - Oppelaar

Notarial Employee

Wouter van Kuijk
